Last year, I passed RHCSA 7 exam with a great score, 300 out of 300! I prepared from home without admitting any institutions. Special thanks to LinuxAcademy, CertDepot, RootUsers, Lisenet, Sander van Vugt, google and youtube (hope I didn’t miss anyone who deserve my deepest gratitude).
The exam was very easy for me. I completed within 1 and half hour. Then I revised and left the exam hall. It was the only exam in my whole life that I didn’t worry a bit (lol). My preparation was very good that I didn’t find any difficulty to complete any task. However, I wrote some notes to myself that helped me a lot to achieve my desire score. So here is the tips and advices that I wrote to myself:
- Setup your own lab within vmware/virtualbox
- Use CentOS 7 or download the free copy of RHEL from redhat website
- Create other vms and setup the following servers
- Setup LDAP server
- Setup NFS server
- Don’t rely on GUI. If you want to SSH onto your guest vm from host, use ssh with -X option
- For managing firewall, don’t rely on GUI also. Use #firewall-cmd command
- Know how to use man/info/help/locate/find/rpm -qd command
- Have a clear understand on Linux filesystem and how to work on lvm
- Understanding on filesystem extend, reduce/resize command. For example: extend the size (by using logical extent or specific size), reduce size of partition/logical volume, resize to exact size without hampering the files on the filesystem, check the filesystem health, labeling etc.
- Clear understand on logical extent. Here is the good topic on it that helped me to understand logical extent
- Be familiar with RHCSA objectives keep yourself up to date.
- Use multiple ssh window and watch audit.log, messages (tail -f) and journalctl (journalctl -xf)
- Watch Sander van Vugt’s advices on RHCSA exam
- Every service MUST survive reboot. So give extra care about persistency. Reboot reboot reboot & reboot in order to check if everything working or not
- Install bash-completion package (might be already installed) which help you to autocomplete the command
- If you forgot how to setup cronjob, just look inside /etc/crontab file
- Give extra care on:
- File system partitioning (Use UUID when you add your file system in /etc/fstab for persistency)
- firewall-cmd (with –permanent option)
- setuid/setgid
- File/folder permission
- Selinux
- Seboolean (with -P option)
- breaking root password
- ldap
- autofs
- nfs
- network setup
- Instead of memorizing big command for managing virtualization, remember the following group commands: #yum groups install “Virtualization Hypervisor” “Virtualization Client” “Virtualization Tools” “Virtualization Platform”
- Forgot the above command also? No worries! just execute: #yum group list hidden
- If there are any filesystem related task, try to solve that task at first. Then reboot to see if your system boot properly or not.
- Give extra attention on time
- Always practice each RHCSA objectives unless you feel ready
- Don’t consult guide/help from other if you forgot anything. Just learn to use man/info/help/locate/find/rpm -qd command
- Use nmcli to setup network
- Install some useful packages first. For example: yum-utils, bash-completion, setroubleshoot-server etc
- Make sure you know how to add new repository. Use yum-config-manager
- In exam hall, don’t stress. Just relax. Also don’t hurry. If you complete early, just reboot the machine couples of times and review the question answers.
Good luck!