Monitor OpenVPN server with Docker

If you have OpenVPN server with multiple clients, you might need to monitor the clients location, bandwidth usage or other informations. There are many OpenVPN monitoring tools out there but today I will show you my favorite one, furlongm/openvpn-monitor; which is easy to configure, open source web based monitoring tool. Though making it working in Docker is challenging. I had to spend several hours in order to make it work with Docker compose....

May 29, 2021 · Kamrul

Clone Linux system to another computer with Borg

In this tutorial, we will see how to clone a Linux system to another computer with borg in a few steps. You might want to clone a Linux system so that you don’t want to reconfigure and install the same packages again to your new installation. Recently I faced the same situation where I wanted to clone my office’s Linux system to my laptop. I found a few ways of cloning the system in internet along with Borg, a deduplicating backup solution which supports encryption, compression and provides very efficient & secure way of backup....

February 11, 2020 · Kamrul

How to install Alpine linux easily on DigitalOcean

Alpine is probably one of the lightweight Linux distribution out there. It’s a very small, simple and security oriented. It doesn’t shipped with hundreds of bloatware which you probably don’t use in your lifetime. It just have the minimal packages installed which gets you up and running. You always have the option to install your desire packages later. Alpine is one of my favorite Linux distribution since it is lightweight, RAM and CPU efficient....

December 21, 2019 · Kamrul

How to reserve and attach IP to Oracle VM instance

Oracle recently announced two always free instances including other free services, a big move by oracle to provide cloud for everyone. So I created an account and I have been using their free tier instances for two weeks. Great service so far. Here is a benchmark report of one of my free instance (Note: outbound transfer speed is capped to 5 MB). Since Oracle provides public IP for free, I reserved and attached an IP address to my instance....

October 4, 2019 · Kamrul

How to prepare for RHCSA 7

Last year, I passed RHCSA 7 exam with a great score, 300 out of 300! I prepared from home without admitting any institutions. Special thanks to LinuxAcademy, CertDepot, RootUsers, Lisenet, Sander van Vugt, google and youtube (hope I didn’t miss anyone who deserve my deepest gratitude). The exam was very easy for me. I completed within 1 and half hour. Then I revised and left the exam hall. It was the only exam in my whole life that I didn’t worry a bit (lol)....

July 24, 2019 · Kamrul

How to install OpenLiteSpeed, PHP 7.3, MySQL on Debian 7/8 and CentOS 7

OpenLiteSpeed is a high-performance, scalable, open-source Web Server developed by Litespeed technologies. It is apache drop-in replacement as it can be replaced apache web server without any major change. OpenLiteSpeed contains all the essential features right out of the box from LiteSpeed web server. In WordPress, OpenLiteSpeed along with LSCache plugin is the best choice as it helps to reduce the server’s response time. Below we see the benchmark result from LIteSpeed blog where it shows how OpenLiteSpeed handles 10,000 requests over 100 concurrent users....

April 26, 2019 · Kamrul