How to monitor remote servers with ELK stack using docker

Elastic stack (ELK) is a combination of multiple open source products (Elastic search+Logstash+Kibana) which takes data from different sources and visualize the data in Kibana. In this tutorial, we will see how to setup Elastic stack with Metricbeat by using docker 🤓. Metricbeat is a data shipper which collect the metrics from the system’s logs and services. We will setup Metricbeat in a way so that it collects the system’s metric and then ship the data to the Elastic stack....

September 14, 2020 Â· Kamrul

Setup Jenkins in different servers as master & slave within docker

In this guide, we will see how to setup Jenkins in different servers as master and slave. We will use docker to quickly run the Jenkins within the container and establish master slave communication between both servers. Having Jenkins master and slaves as Docker containers can be a very useful as it will be portable, easily extendable, isolated from other processes, easy to keep it maintainable, and resource efficient. For this guide, I will use two Linux servers both running Debian 10 and docker with docker compose....

June 3, 2020 Â· Kamrul

Deploy WordPress with OpenLiteSpeed on Docker swarm

In this tutorial, We will see how to deploy WordPress with OpenLiteSpeed web server, MySQL & phpMyAdmin in docker swarm. If you see the official docker image of WordPress in docker hub, you will find that the official image have built in Apache web server. As I am a big fan of OpenLiteSpeed (open source edition of LiteSpeed web server), here we will see how to run WordPress in OpenLiteSpeed web server....

March 14, 2020 Â· Kamrul