Setup Kubernetes cluster on Oracle always free ARM machine

In this tutorial we will see how to setup K3s cluster on oracle cloud. We also configure load balancer and ingress controller which is a bit tricky to setup on bare-metal cluster. Oracle gives free ARM compute resources (24GB RAM & 4 vCPUs) which is enough for running Kubernetes cluster on cloud without any penny. You can launch two ARM VMs (dividing the resources between two, like 12+12GB ram and 2+2 vCPUs) for making one node as master and another for worker....

August 18, 2022 · Kamrul

Aggregate multiple Internet with OpenMPTCProuter

OpenMPTCProuter is an open source project which aimed to aggregate multiple internet connections into a single one which results higher bandwidth, failover, security and latency optimization. It uses MPTCP under the hood. So if you have multiple internet connections (Fiber, ADSL, VDSL, 3G, 4G, 5G…) which you are currently using only for load balancing or failover purpose, you can now bond those connections and get maximum throughput. You can setup OpenMPTCProuter in various devices....

February 13, 2022 · Kamrul

Monitor OpenVPN server with Docker

If you have OpenVPN server with multiple clients, you might need to monitor the clients location, bandwidth usage or other informations. There are many OpenVPN monitoring tools out there but today I will show you my favorite one, furlongm/openvpn-monitor; which is easy to configure, open source web based monitoring tool. Though making it working in Docker is challenging. I had to spend several hours in order to make it work with Docker compose....

May 29, 2021 · Kamrul

Self hosted password management with bitwarden_rs

There are a lot of password management solutions out there but to me, it is always a good idea to manage passwords on-premises. By using bitwarden_rs, you can store all your secret info (password, note, two-factor authentication, credit card info) to your own server, even in your tiny raspberry pi . bitwarden_rs is an unofficial project of bitwarden which is written in Rust. The official self hosted bitwarden package needs minimum 2 GB ram in order to operate....

April 12, 2020 · Kamrul

Configure git auto pull in dev/prod server

In this tutorial we will see how to configure auto git pull in the development and production server so that, whenever you push commit to the specific branch, the latest commit will be automatically pull to the corresponding server based on the specific branch. Say, if you push the commit to the ‘dev’ branch, the commit will be pulled in development server. Similarly, if you push to the master branch, production server will get the latest commit....

April 12, 2020 · Kamrul

How to install Alpine linux easily on DigitalOcean

Alpine is probably one of the lightweight Linux distribution out there. It’s a very small, simple and security oriented. It doesn’t shipped with hundreds of bloatware which you probably don’t use in your lifetime. It just have the minimal packages installed which gets you up and running. You always have the option to install your desire packages later. Alpine is one of my favorite Linux distribution since it is lightweight, RAM and CPU efficient....

December 21, 2019 · Kamrul

How to reserve and attach IP to Oracle VM instance

Oracle recently announced two always free instances including other free services, a big move by oracle to provide cloud for everyone. So I created an account and I have been using their free tier instances for two weeks. Great service so far. Here is a benchmark report of one of my free instance (Note: outbound transfer speed is capped to 5 MB). Since Oracle provides public IP for free, I reserved and attached an IP address to my instance....

October 4, 2019 · Kamrul

Manage DigitalOcean droplets via API with Python

In this guide we will see how to create, destroy & assign floating IP to droplets with DigitalOcean API. First thing first, if you don’t have DigitalOcean account, simply click on this link and create an account. You will get 50$ credit for 30 days. Great opportunity to try out DigitalOcean. If you are already familiar with DigitalOcean, then you know every time we want to manage a droplet, we need to login the website, make some few clicks....

September 12, 2019 · Kamrul