Deploy multi-node Kubernetes Cluster locally with Rancher

Rancher is a complete Kubernetes management tool which simplifies the Kubernetes cluster management. It is an open-source multi-cluster orchestration platform which addresses operational and security challenges. In this tutorial, we will use Rancher to deploy our Kubernetes cluster locally. Prerequisite: Before starting, we need to setup a static private IP to our host machine. In my case it is It might be different on your side. So grab your private IP address from the network interface....

May 1, 2021 · Kamrul

Monitor Kubernetes cluster using Prometheus and Grafana

Kubernetes is a very dynamic environment. In order to monitor this, we need a tool like Prometheus which can monitor such dynamic environment. In this tutorial, we will setup Prometheus which will collect the data from Kubernetes cluster and visualize it in Grafana. We will use Helm chart to setup Prometheus and Grafana easily 😎 Prerequisite A dynamic persistent provisioner. You can check my other guide on Setting up dynamic NFS provisioning in Kubernetes with Helm 3....

September 22, 2020 · Kamrul